The web is a dynamic matrix of information and communication. However, the mediums used till recently were almost uniform like the desktops and laptops with same browsers, resolutions and screen sizes to display the web pages. The things are now changing in the last couple of years through the gadget boom that is unfolding faster in the communication segment. A whole range of devices, particularly the smart phones and tablets with their own specific browsers and OS to fuel the operational platforms have brought about vibrant diversity in the web accessing hardware. More people are surfing and through a variety of devices.
The self adjusting web content
Do the websites make out as the fixed layouts and according to the same set of browsers withstand this diversity? Technically not! There emerges the web design discrepancies and the layout of the websites simply proves to be arrogant in real time resizing as according to the different browsers and their set screen sizes. Flexible website design also called as the ‘liquid web design’ is the new approach that has been forwarded to tackle this discrepancy so that the layout can size up as according to the browser window width. This is done by generating the web page layouts as percentages of the current browser window.
This makes the website/web page all accessible from all the screen sizes and resolutions. The webpage shifts dynamically the content like the ‘liquid’ to adjust the information through the column presentation. This simply eliminates the use of the horizontal scroll bar and the user/visitor need not feel constrained to move the page to get the complete offering made out there.
Liquid design is the need of the age
The liquid web design or the flexible web design correlates with the web fluidity which has grown multifold in the current age. The web is flowing through more mediums, and devices; each with different affinities towards their suitable browsers. Fabulously flexible website design maneuvers are required if the websites have to remain afloat with their appeal in the target bases. This is more significant a requirement in the case of the B2C portals with a direct interface with their potential customers; for if they fail to have the deal served through the smart phones with its own specific browser window, then half the business is lost! For that reason concepts like liquid web design and responsive web design are catching up fast, almost as demanded services and more websites are turning liquid with their web layouts.